Real Results No Gimmicks Podcast
This is a Fitness Podcast show hosted by FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHers where you will learn the truth about Fitness. The tittle says it all, Real Results No Gimmicks, you will learn what really works instead of continuing to fall for Fitness Scams, Misconceptions & Gimmicks. Learn The Way Now and give yourself a shortcut to reaching your fitness goals while saving yourself lots of time and money.
Season 2
In this 46th Episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS speak about why most supplements
aren't giving you the results that you want. If you want to stop making your wallet skinny and
your belly fatter listen to this episode.
In this 45th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips about how
you can actually walk your way to fitness. It may not seem like much exercise but walking has
many health benefits and apart from that it will help you lose body fat.
In This 44th Episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS Speak About The Importance Of
Striving For Progress Instead Of Perfection & Also Give You Some Tips To Follow when it comes
To Reaching Your Fitness Goal.
In this 43rd Episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will speak about 5 foods that you
might think are healthy but are actually sabotaging your fat loss.
One question that most people have is how can I stay motivated. Motivation is key to help you
get through those tough days where you just don't want to workout. In this episode
FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you a couple of tips on how to stay motivated
so that you can finally reach your fitness goal and get fit.
Water is one of the most important things you will need for your fitness goal, not to mention as a
human being. If you aren't having enough water you wont be able to burn fat or build muscle
efficiently. In this 41st episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will go over many
consequences of not drinking water & also some benefits of drinking water.
Something very hard to do when you are starting a fitness program is going out to eat and
figuring out what to eat. The best thing to do would be to stay home and cook but sometimes
you can be put in a situation where you just can't say NO to going out.
In this 40th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlex Hers will give you 6 strategies to help
you stay on track when eating out.
If you are looking to lose body fat as fast as possible you have to be careful that you aren't self
sabotaging your progress as soon as the morning starts. In this 39th episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about 5 Morning Mistakes that may be Delaying you from Losing
Body FAT.
Some people make the mistake of losing a lot of muscle while trying to lose body fat and this is
on of the worst things you can do while dieting. When we diet we want to try to lose as much
body fat as possible while maintaining or even possibly adding muscle mass. In this 38th
episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will give 4 Methods To Help Maintain Muscle
While Dieting.
What are carbs? Which are good carbs? which are bad carbs? will carbs help me reach my fitness
goal? These are some of many questions that tmany people ask themselves when wanting to lose
body fat. In this 37th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will answer some common
questions about carbohydrates.
Many people might think that because you are sweating this means you are losing body fat.
But can this just be a misconception? In this 36th Episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will speak about whether or not sweating alone will help you reach your
fitness goal.
Cardio is something that comes to most people's mind when they think about losing body fat, but
is this the most effective type of exercise to help you reach that goal? What many might not
know is that weight training might be a better option that doing cardio to help you burn fat.
In this 35th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS speak about weight training vs
cardio which is better?
There's thousands of different exercises and many variations of the same exercises, with so
many to choose from it's easy to deviate from the basics and wonder off trying to make your
workouts more fun but in many ways this can actually slow you down from achieving your
fitness goal. In this 34th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS speak about why the
basic fundamentals are so important.
Many of us may feel like we are doing everything in our power to get fit but are we truly putting
in 100 percent effort to reach our fitness goal? In this 33rd episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips on how you can maximize your efforts to finally
reach your fitness goal.
A common question that many people trying fitness for the first time have is if it gets easier.
In this 32nd episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will speak about what to expect on
your fitness journey & if it will ever get easier for you.
The key factor to achieving your fitness goal or any goal for that matter is embracing change.
In this 31st episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips on how to
change for the better & finally achieve your goals.
Season 1
Many people think that acne is a problem that a teenager might have but in reality many of
adults still struggle with acne. In this 30th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will
give you some great tips to help get rid of acne.
In This 29th Episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS are looking for FOUR People From
Any State or Country To Get Fit For FREE! Learn How You Can Get Chosen.
When trying to reach your fitness goal the last thing you want to do is get injured. Even a minor
injury or illness can set you back a few weeks imagine a severe one? In this 28th episode
FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about how not to let a injury or illness detour you
from your fitness goal.
We all need to exercise but are you doing a little too much? In this 27th episode FitnessWithFlex
& FitnessWithFlexHERS will tell you what better when it comes to exercise: quality vs quantity.
In this 26th episode FitnessWithFlex has gathered the top ten questions fans, supporters and clients
from all over the world usually ask and want to know about FitnessWithFlexHERS.
In this 25th episode FitnessWithFlexHERS has gathered the top ten questions fans, supporters
and clients from all over the world usually ask and want to know about FitnessWithFlex.
Accomplishing a Goal or becoming successful in something can be very difficult which is why many
people fail. What if we told you that Fitness Can help you achieve many of you goals that you might
not think are possible. In this 24th Episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will tell you
How Fitness Can Help You Find Success.
Summer is a time for vacations, BBQ's, beaches, pools etc... Unfortunately for many of us having all
this extra time can set us back on the body we've worked so hard. Everyone slacks off but the
summer months definitely isn't the time to do it. In this 23rd episode FitnessWtihFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips to maintain your summer body during the SUMMER.
Everyone would like to achieve their fitness goals but are your goals attainable? Most people quit fitness when
the progress doesn't seem to be fast enough and a large part of it can be due to trying to achieve a goal that isn't
attainable in the short term. In this 22nd episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about how
realistic is your fitness goal.
Fitness Misconceptions are one of the leading factors why most people can't get Fit. We are all looking for the
fastest way to get Fit but unfortunately instead of these misconceptions helping you get there faster they only will
delay your progress. In this 21st episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS Will go over some of the most
common misconceptions keeping you from reaching your fitness goal.
Fitness Misconceptions are one of the leading factors why most people can't get Fit. We are all looking for the
fastest way to get Fit but unfortunately instead of these misconceptions helping you get there faster they only will
delay your progress. In this 20th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS Will go over some of the most
common misconceptions keeping you from reaching your fitness goal.
Fitness Misconceptions are one of the leading factors why most people can't get Fit. We are all looking for the
fastest way to get Fit but unfortunately instead of these misconceptions helping you get there faster they only will
delay your progress. In this 19th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS Will go over some of the most
common misconceptions keeping you from reaching your fitness goal.
To lose body fat you need to make sure you are burning more calories than what you are consuming. This sounds easy
but it can actually be very hard to do and it's why most people don't reach their fitness goals. In this 18th episode
FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will go over the top ways to reduce your calorie intake.
One of the hardest things to do when you want to reach your Fitness Goal is to stay on top of your diet. This can
be very hard when everyone around you isn't dieting & are eating you favorite foods all the time. It would be
great if you could still have your favorite foods while dieting & now it's possible. In this 16th episode
FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will explain how you can still eat some of your favorite foods while dieting.
It's May 1st & The Only Question To Ask Is Whatever Happened To You New Years Fitness Resolution?
If This Year Has Been Like Prior Years Chances Are You Gave Up A While Ago. Even Though Summer is ONLY 6
Weeks Away That Doesn't Mean You Can't Make A BIG Change. In This 17th Episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS Will Give You Some Tips On How To Still Get In Shape In A Few Weeks.
Have you ever wished that you could go back in time and do certain things differently? We sometimes feel this
way when it comes to how we started our fitness journey. A couple of years of making gains were wasted by not
knowing certain things we learned along the way. If we only knew a few things before we started training we
would've got results way faster. In this 15th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS are going to give
you 3 things they wish they knew before they started training.
We have all heard about protein before but many of us might not know the unbelievable benefits that come from
eating protein. If you are looking to burn body fat & build muscle then protein is a must for you. In this 14th
episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will tell you why you need this macronutrient and what are the
best sources to eat.
Cellulite can be very annoying not only for Women but for Men as well. Many people have this problem and feel
very uncomfortable when it comes to showing off their bodies in places like pools or at the beach. In this 13th
episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will explain what Cellulite is & what you can do to get rid of it.
When we think about losing body fat the first thing that pops into our mind is that we should stop eating foods
that have lots of FAT in them. Some might think that by not eating fats they would lose weight quicker, but is that
true? If you stopped eating Fats Would you really lose weight? In this 12th episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about why you should eat fats to lose body fat.
When most people think about weight training they think of big muscular meat heads that are just picking stuff
up & putting it back down, but this couldn't be any farther from the truth. Weight training isn't just for people
who want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in fact weight training is for anyone who is looking to be Healthy &
Fit no matter the age or gender. In this 11th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about the
unbelievable benefits of weight training.
Some of us want to lose weight & the first thing that comes to mind is to do all out cardio and get drenched
in sweat, but what if it's POSSIBLE to lose fat without exercising. 70% of losing fat has to do with what you
actually eat not how much exercise you do. Now we don't recommend not doing any exercise at all either.
xercise is important to help you continue to lose fat, but if you are pressed for time and just aren't ready to train
yet FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips on how to lose weight without exercise.
We all would like to get FIT as soon as possible but when it’s not happening quickly it can be very discouraging.
If you’ve never dieted & exercised before you might not know what to expect from your results. If we don’t see
abs or a toned body right away it can cause many to quit. In Ep. 9 FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS
will talk about how to be realistic with your fitness goals and how time plays a mayor key in your fitness journey.
What makes dieting so hard is the crazy cravings that you get within the first two weeks. Many eat a diet
loaded with sugar and that's one thing the body get addicted to, you can even experience withdrawal
symptoms like headaches, fatigue, mood swings etc. It's No wonder many people give up and go back to
their old eating habits and never reach their fitness goal. If you can make it past the first two weeks the
cravings will be way more manageable & will make attaining your goal easier. In This 8th Episode FitnessWithFlex
& FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some advice on How To Fight OFF The Craving MONSTER.
When the holidays & cold weather arrive we tend to take a detour from our goals and indulge in foods we know
aren’t too good for us. It’s very easy to slip during these times because we walk around bundled up not having to
expose ourselves like we do in the SUMMER. Summer Bodies Are Created In The Winter so you have to start from
now but it can be hard to get motivated & back on track after our slip ups. In This 7th Episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS Will Give 3 Tips That will Help you STAY MOTIVATED!
It's a great feeling eat healthy and exercise, but it's hard to stay motivated when your results start to plateau.
This is where many people give up and quit and never achieve their fitness goal. Just because you might be
eating healthy and are exercising doesn't mean you are doing everything 100% right. In this 6th episode
FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will talk about 4 reasons why you're not losing body fat.
Having Six Pack Abs is like having the holy grail of Fitness. It's pretty simple to get abs but being simple doesn't
mean it's going to be easy. In this 5th episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS will debunk certain myths
and misconceptions holding you back from getting a Six pack and will reveal some tips that might get you to your
Fitness Goal a lot faster.
If you're trying to get Fit the weight scale might be your worst enemy. When you weigh yourself you are
getting an overall number of what you weigh ( body fat, muscle mass, and water weight) but the scale can't tell
you how much of you weight is actual body fat. In this fourth episode FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHers
will talk about some reasons why you should ditch the weight scale if you really want to get Fit This YEAR!
How many years have you been trying to reach you News Year's Fitness Resolution? If you came up short
in past years what makes you think this year you can finally do it? In this third episode FitnessWithFlex &
FitnessWithFlexHERS will give you some tips on how to finally reach your New Year's Fitness Resolution.
The holidays are times to spend time with friends and family that you might not get to see too often, but
it's also a time where you can gain a lot of body fat. In today's podcast episode we will give you guys a
few tips that will really help you stay lean during this holiday season so that you wont backtrack
yourself too much from your fitness goals.
In the first episode of the Real Results No Gimmicks Podcast FitnessWithFlex & FitnessWithFlexHERS
talk about how this podcast will help you reach your Fitness Goals. Also they will speak about what was
the turning point in their lives that made them get into Fitness and help so many people around the world.