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How To Achieve Your New Years Fitness Resolution Part 2 of 4

If you followed the Tips in PART 1 of 4 you should have a week or so by now following your fitness routine. You might not have it perfect just yet but you still have a few more days to practice before X-Mas get here. Your goal right now is to try to do everything 100% right all the way till the event. You will have a whole holiday event to eat, drink and party there's no need to cheat on your routine now. The stricter you are now the more fun you can have during the event and the less body fat you will add in the long run. Now to prepare you for the day of the holiday event I will give you in today's blog a few tips to follow that will keep you leaner and not to off track from your fitness goals.

#1 Eat Before Going To The Event - Have a healthy meal before going to the event. Since you wont be starving and would feel somewhat full or content you wont over eat as much. Doing this simple tip can make a difference as to how many times you get up to refill your plate. You can still enjoy yourself just without all the extra calories.

#2 Use A Smaller Plate Than Usual - If your goal is not to eat too much then you should definitely use a smaller plate than usual. It may not seem like much but the more food you can add to your plate the more you will eat and the more calories you will be consuming. Don't try to be sneaky and pile up food on the plate either you will just look silly and you will be fooling yourself.

#3 Get Back On Your Fitness Routine The Next Day - You might wake up with a hangover from your holiday event but believe it or not this is best time to practice what you will do a week from now. You will feel pretty much the same way you will feel one week from now which will be the New Year. If you can wake up and follow your routine you will already have the confidence that you can start your Fitness Routine officially New Years Day.

If you are interested in really reaching your Fitness Goals Try our Coaching Program we will create a Customized Meal plan & Workout Routine designed specifically for your body and fitness goal. Apart from following the Meal Plan and Exercises, we will be in Contact with you 7 days a week to make sure you are following everything correctly and we will also be available for any question or concerns 7 days a week. The meal plan is the most important part of any transformation it's about 70% of your results. The coaching program ensures that you will always get results, and never plateau.

Stay Tuned for PART 3 next week of How To Achieve Your New Years Fitness Resolution

- FitnessWithFlex

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