3 Exercises To Help You Achieve A Toned Upper Body
Ladies in today’s blog I am going to give you three exercises that are quick, challenging and effective for you to add to any upper body...

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite
Hello ladies, most of us including myself have had a life long battle with CELLULITE. Cellulite is not considered to be a medical...

3 Tips To Help You Stay on Top Of Your Meals
No matter how much you push yourself at the gym most of your result will come from what you eat on a daily basis. Many of us have the...

How Realistic Are Your Fitness Goals?
Hello beautiful ladies, the weather is only getting warmer and we all know that warmer weather = less clothes to hide in. If you’ve...

Do You Have To Join The Gym To Start Getting Fit ?
Hello ladies, the weather is getting warmer and most of us are running to sign up to the nearest gym. We are mentally ready to start our...

Why Fruits Can Make You Fat
Hello ladies, when most of us think about eating clean and healthy we might think about eating more fruits. You know what they say” an...

Does Sweating Mean Fat Loss
Hello ladies, when most of us decide to go to the gym and do our thing, one of our biggest concerns might be that we need to make sure we...

5 Reasons Why You Should Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Diet
Hello ladies, when most of us are going through some type of emotional stress we tend to turn to the good stuff for comfort (SUGAR) and...

3 Foods That Will Help You Lose Body Fat Fast
When many of us want to get rid of unwanted body fat we start to make healthier choices with the foods we eat. When we go to the grocery...

2 Scams That Will Delay You From Your Fitness Goals
Hello Ladies, this is usually around the time most of us start to panic, because we know we aren’t summer ready. It’s time to get serious...